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Recovery From Mental Illness:

Psychosis, Schizophrenia, Bipolar, Depression, Anxiety, Alcoholism, Narcotism etc.

Recovery From Mental Illness:

Psychosis, Schizophrenia, Bipolar, Depression, Anxiety, Alcoholism, Narcotism etc.

Questions and answers

Inventory examples

   All assistance and downloads are free, however, in order to assist people in recovery in English and in other languages and to translate and set up websites, information, downloads etc; myself, people assisting me, translation companies etc rely on support from people recovering from mental illness, their friends and family, and the general public.  To support us, people can elect to pay a very small amount ($1 or less, or more if you like) for the recovery information and assistance.  If 1% of people suffering from serious mental illness contributed 15 cents, or 0.15% contributed $1, there would be enough to fulfil the aims of this website.

Note: There is a AU$0.30 transaction fee payable by recovery-from-mental-illness.com (taken out of the payment) for all payments made by paypal or credit card. (Paypal and Credit Card fees)

Support us  


About assistance and translations                                                  

   Every day 1000 to 1200 people commit suicide due to mental illness, and possibly 10 to 20 times that attempt it but don’t succeed [wiki].  Many suffer a very depressive, chaotic and hopeless existence unable to function in normal society, and due to their condition isolate themselves from other people, old friends and family.  Those that are lucky enough to come from a country where anti-psychotic medication is widely available, which may also cause terrible side effects, may benefit from a reduction or elimination of many of their symptoms, however they are not cured by the medication and may still experience considerable problems socially, with work, and their ability to look after themselves, it may however be the only thing keeping them from suicide.

   For the above reasons and the like, and as I am possibly the only person to have recovered in this way, I would like to assist people in recovery in any language, share my knowledge and experience, and make recovery easier and quicker.  I would also like to make good quality translations of the recovery download, translated with my assistance, available in any language free of charge.


Contributing translations

                                        Return to contents

    If you would like to contribute a translation of the recovery download, the website and/or questions, answers and examples, a copy of the website transcript, the recovery download and questions, answers and examples are available for download in Microsoft Wordpad, Microsoft Word and PDF via the below links.  In return for translating the the recovery download, the website and questions, answers and examples or sorting, you would be entitled to receive “a logo / image (including a personal photo) / coat of arms / flag / and or name (of your choice) and credit”*:

And if applicable:

 * Please click this link for further information.  

        website.rtf          recovery.rtf           questexa.rtf

        website.doc       recovery.doc         questexa.doc

        website.pdf        recovery.pdf          questexa.pdf

Partial translations

  If you would like to contribute a partial translation of the recovery download, the website and or questions, answers and examples, even a paragraph or one page, you would still be entitled to receive the same entitlements as contributing translations above.  

Funding translations

  If you would like to, fund, a translation of the recovery download, the website and or questions, answers and examples you would be entitled to receive the same entitlements as contributing translations above.  

    Please click this link for further information.

Contributing translations without an agreement

  If you would like to contribute or fund a translation of the recovery download, the website and or questions, answers and examples without making an agreement, you can do so using the below form.

    Please click this link for further information.


         Benefits                              Return to contents


             Companies and Business


             Translation Companies

(Potentially, if a translation company received more than one translation of a similar size due to their contribution, they would be making a profit).

         Viewing Audience and Media Coverage




                                                     Return to contents


More About Contributing Translations    

More About Funding Translations                                                                               

Note:  File/s may take several minutes to upload before returning to the thank you page.

/home/u830537935/domains/recovery-from-mental-illness.com/public_html/mobile/support_us.php on line 534


Logo / image

Company Name


Was the translation made by a professional translation company or a professional translator?

The quality level of the translation (if specified).

If answered yes above


I have read and agree to recovery-from-mental-illness.coms Terms and conditions and the above Permission to publsh pop-up*.

The name of the translation company or translator.



         Upload Translations             Return to contents

              If you have made or would like to make a translation of the recovery download, the website and or questions, answers and examples and you would like to upload it to us, please do so via the following form.  

  Support us for free

   If this information has helped you in any way, please consider supporting us by returning to this website via the following link or by placing a link to this website in a forum, blog or web page etc.  

 Support received

           AU$0.00 (0%)

Target -    Up to US $291,000:   more information.


Credit card logos

Payment methods

Via Paypal                   By credit card



      If you would like to thank me   

      Contributing translations       


      More about contributing translations

      More about funding translations

      Upload translations


 If you would like to thank me

   If you have recovered from mental illness and now enjoy freedom from suffering, and you would like to be a little bit charitable in return and thank me for my assistance and for recovery with a gift of any amount, any gift no matter how small would be extremely greatly appreciated and very much needed.  Please, please do so via the following link.  Thank you sincerely in advance for your support.